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Here you will find all the latest updates from JRP including new projects, industry and team news
Planning Application Submission – Westgate Hill, Bradford
Working with Hallam Land, JRP have prepared an outline masterplan for proposed development at Westgate Hill, Bradford, for up to 1,000 new homes, a new primary school, a new neighbourhood centre and employment space with associated landscaping and infrastructure, as part of the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council’s wider emerging plans for Holme Wood South.
Planning Application Submission – Summerbridge
Planning application submitted to re-purpose this vacant former mill situated within the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) to create a sustainable, mixed use development utilising existing structures on site and sympathetically designing new buildings to reflect a mill complex, responding to historic form and character of the AONB.
Planning Application Submission – Cayton, Scarborough
JRP have worked with Persimmon who have submitted plans to North Yorkshire Council for a mix of new homes in Cayton. The initial phase of Persimmon’s development would consist of 251 dwellings, while the remaining 1,149 homes; primary school land and local centre are included in the outline application.
Planning Application Submission – Maltkiln, New Settlement
JRP are pleased to announce our involvement preparing a Design Code for the outline planning application for the new settlement at Maltkiln for the construction of up to 4,000 residential dwellings, employment land, a mixed-use local centre, two primary schools, and associated infrastructure including, landscaping, open space, and energy centres.